Actum Advisory Case Study

With a focus on developing a customized solution to each and every scenario, Actum Advisory work with property developers, established businesses, and high growth companies to create and source the ideal capital solution for their project growth cycle.


Actum Advisory


James Kouzinas | Director, Brand Strategist, Designer, UI/UX

Bec Jones | Brand Strategist

Jatin Sethi | Development

Talia Camilleri | Designer, UI/UX








Like a classic entrepreneur, Tom is involved in several companies outside of Actum Advisory, and understanding his role in these companies was critical to this project, as he didn’t want to cause confusion in his messaging.


We worked closely with him to understand his universe and ensure we delivered digital assets that spoke to the value he brings his customers.

Strategy and Brand Positioning

Tom already had a website, however; he was looking to reimagine his online presence and better articulate what he offers his customers.

Modern Approach

In a sea of more established and sometimes ‘rigid’ players, we wanted to showcase Actum’s modern approach to the way he does business.


Tom’s core values were centered around professionalism, attention to detail, honesty, and integrity. It was crucial articulating these points through the messaging and design because the financial industry, as a whole, suffered, throughout 2019/20 due to some ‘bad actors’.


Ultimately, we were eager to show how Actum was different.

Voice and Platforms

Professional | Articulate | Intelligent | Wise



Demographic Information

Age: Typically mid-30s to mid-50s
Gender: Predominantly male
Education: High level of education, often holding advanced degrees in finance, economics, or business administration
Income: High, with a salary commensurate with their level of responsibility and expertise
Geographic location: Typically located in major financial centers such as New York, London, and Hong Kong


Professional Characteristics

Job Title: Chief Financial Officer
Industry: Debt Funds Management
Job Responsibilities: Overseeing financial strategy and management, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, managing financial risk, and maximizing returns for investors
Personal Characteristics: Detail-oriented, analytical, and able to work well under pressure
Key Challenges: Balancing risk and return, navigating complex regulatory requirements, and staying up-to-date on market trends and developments


Buying Behaviors

Purchase decision-making process: Thorough research and due diligence, consulting with trusted advisors and industry experts
Key purchasing criteria: Strong reputation and track record, flexible investment strategies, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use
Buying habits: Regularly review and assess existing investments, adjust portfolios as needed, and invest in new opportunities as they arise


Marketing Considerations

Preferred channels: Professional networks, industry conferences, and online financial news and analysis sources
Key messaging: Strong reputation, proven track record, expertise in navigating complex regulatory requirements, and flexible investment strategies that maximize returns for investors
Ideal brand personality: Trustworthy, knowledgeable, and innovative


Overall, CFOs in the debt funds management space are highly educated and experienced professionals who prioritize thorough research and due diligence in their investment decisions. They value strong reputations and proven track records, and seek out flexible investment strategies that help them balance risk and return. Marketing efforts should emphasize the brand’s expertise and trustworthiness, while also highlighting its innovative approach to debt funds management.

Asset Manager (Debt Fund)

Demographic Information

Age: Typically mid-20s to mid-40s
Gender: Both male and female representation
Education: High level of education, often holding advanced degrees in finance, economics, or business administration
Income: High, with a salary commensurate with their level of responsibility and expertise
Geographic location: Typically located in major financial centers such as New York, London, and Hong Kong


Professional Characteristics

Job Title: Asset Manager
Industry: Debt Funds Management
Job Responsibilities: Developing and executing investment strategies, conducting research and due diligence, managing assets, and providing reports and recommendations to superiors
Personal Characteristics: Analytical, detail-oriented, and able to work well under pressure
Key Challenges: Balancing risk and return, staying up-to-date on market trends and developments, and effectively communicating insights to superiors


Buying Behaviors

Purchase decision-making process: Conducting extensive research, consulting with superiors and industry experts, and using data-driven analysis to inform decisions
Key purchasing criteria: Strong reputation, proven track record, cost-effectiveness, and access to relevant market data and analysis tools
Buying habits: Regularly review and assess existing investments, adjust portfolios as needed, and invest in new opportunities as they arise


Marketing Considerations

Preferred channels: Professional networks, industry conferences, and online financial news and analysis sources
Key messaging: Strong reputation, proven track record, access to relevant market data and analysis tools, and expertise in balancing risk and return
Ideal brand personality: Innovative, knowledgeable, and data-driven


Overall, asset managers in the debt funds management space are highly educated and analytical professionals who rely on data-driven analysis to inform their investment decisions. They value strong reputations and proven track records and seek out tools and resources that help them stay up-to-date on market trends and developments. Marketing efforts should emphasize the brand’s expertise and innovation, while also highlighting its access to relevant market data and analysis tools.

Brand Archetype

The Sage archetype was a natural fit for Actum and speaks true to how Tom, Actum’s Founder, works with his clients. The attributes listed below also helped shape our messaging.





Design and Development

The financial world is often filled with jargon and noise…we wanted to change that.


Design starts with inspiration and to ensure we made something different, we looked outside of the category.

Modern Approach

To convey Actum’s modern approach to how they work with clients, we opted for a minimalist style that used negative space, and Actum’s signature colours of ocean blue and white.


The use of negative space and minimalism allowed us to position Actum as youthful and innovative.

Deep Expertise

To ensure we showcased Actum’s deep expertise, we clearly organized the company’s core service offerings and made them easy to find from the home page.


Through a custom-built portfolio slider that contained information on Actum’s transactions, we were able to further showcase the expertise and build credibility.

Colour and Imagery

We worked to Tom’s preferred colour palette and together, chose imagery that best represents the company’s experience and creativity.

Sales Funnels

We worked with Tom on several content funnel strategies that sought to ultimately lead customers to a 1-on-1 conversation.


Information overload happens often in the finance industry and when this is visually displayed, it makes for a poor user experience.

The challenge is, the information is sometimes very relevant to showcasing the group’s expertise and knowledge.

Actum has a deep skill-set in Private Funding and their transactions occur on a variety of assets, so to bring this information to their website in a way that stayed consistent with the ‘less is more’ style, we built a custom slider for the home page, which leverages multiple transactions across three of Actum’s main services.

Furthermore, we leveraged flip boxes with hover states, thus giving the user the option to look at the information at their request.

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Between the eyes commercial debt advisory with an outcome focus.


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