Crowdz Whitepaper


Avalon is Crowdz’s decentralized marketplace that bridges existing receivables systems with the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) world. Avalon Marketplace aims to tap into the nearly twelve-digit DeFi liquidity channel for the purchase and sale of receivables by introducing operational efficiency, creative system rewards, and smart AI-enhanced scoring for the benefit of SMEs around the world.


Crowdz will tokenize real-world receivables into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), offering them for sale at a risk-scored discount on the decentralized Avalon Marketplace. These Non-Fungible Tokens for receivables (NFTr) will represent the terms of individual receivables and ensure the automated flow of funds to the owner of the NFTr using smart contracts.


Avalon Marketplace will also operate a native ecosystem token called Crowdz Token (CRZ) which is designed to promote growth, reward active contributors, allow collateralization of receivables and drive protocol governance.


We believe that by migrating receivables and trades to a blockchain ecosystem, we can modernize an old-fashioned industry and generate the following benefits.

To read the full whitepaper, click below.

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